I was listening to the news recently when I heard something straight out of a science fiction horror movie. It said that July 2023 was the warmest in the 120,000 years of human existence! I hope I misheard and it is not really true but if it is true I am ready to take massive action and do my part in fighting climate change. I sincerely hope that every one else does so too.
I think we are all rooting for our planet to be saved. Just as we root for our favorite sports team or athlete, we need to see daily statistics. For example, many people looked at their daily paper to see how Mickey Mantle did the nigh before. How many hits did he have? Did he strike out? Did he hit a home run? Etc., etc.
We do not have newspapers any more but wouldn't be nice if we get daily statistics on climate change on the TV news or internet. What is the concentration of CO2? What is today's average global temperature compared to its average? How many electric cars were sold? What is the ocean temperature and how far is it from normal? Etc., etc.
In the gym I am a member of, the motto is "what gets measured, gets improved". Why not get these statistics to the masses on a daily basis? That way they have something to root for and everyone will do their part.